Ernst Krenek was one of the most important composers of the 20th century. It is an honor that we have been able to help convey his legacy by designing the website for the Ernst Krenek Institute.
Based on the provided web architecture by acolono, we designed a design system, some layout pages and components for the institute's website.
The was one of the winners of the Web Excellence Awards.
Many thanks to our long-term partner agency acolono - Austria's most committed Drupalists, who asked us to be part of their team and submitted the project for the award.

The Ernst Krenek Institute Private Foundation preserves his artistic heritage, forms a platform for the public and promotes musicians.

Client: Ernst Krenek Institut Privatstiftung
Project Management: acolono
Development: acolono
Fonts: Frutiger LT Pro
Software: Sketch | Zeplin
Ernst Krenek portrait: Image provided by the client